Avanti West Coast
Station Delivery Plan Lead
Station Delivery Plan Lead
Brief description
Following on from First Group’s successful win of the West Coast franchise, Vextrix has been appointed to review and plan through the franchise mobilisation of Avanti West’s Station Property Project commitments. These commitments were made as part of First Group’s bid and subsequently became part of the franchise agreement.
Our role is to assess what has been committed to from a project delivery perspective, initially undertaking a high level assessment of the ability to deliver the committed scope, budget and programme of each of the committed obligations.
We identified any issues and actions that needed to be taken prior to the start of the franchise to ensure the programme can be delivered, as well as preparing the projects for handover to the incoming franchise property team. We have already reviewed all the existing contracts and advised on whether they should be rolled over or terminated.
We assisted the ‘day one’ and branding teams in delivering their aspirations in the first few weeks of the franchise in relation to station property.
Our experience in the delivery of a wide range of rail projects, including listed buildings, gives us the ability to assess all of Avanti West’s committed obligations and contracts and identify issues with the correct course of action in preparation for the franchise commencement.
Value added
We have been able to advise other teams within the wider mobilisation team where there was a property interface and have continued our involvement beyond the franchise mobilisation, now sitting in the new property team as part of transition.
We have also identified a number of locations where proposed works can not be delivered and advised on alternative locations. This was specifically pertinent to car parking and first class lounges.
Lessons learnt
This franchise has a unique interface with HS2 and understanding how the teams interface will allow us to understand how complex organisations can work together on future projects.