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Northern Trains Limited

Night-time Inspections


Vextrix has been commissioned by Northern Trains Limited to undertake night-time inspections of the platform improvement works undertaken on Line Blocks. The works we have been inspecting involve the relining of the platform edge safety lines, installing new ducts for power runs, and connecting platforms to the electricity supply through undertrack crossings.

The Vextrix H&S team are delivering full H&S site inspections tailored to railway H&S rules and procedures. We undertake site specific checks in line with H&S regulations such as PUWER, Management of H&S at Work Regulation, COSHH, and CDM. The team also reviews the compliance with the Network Rail procedures for track works under Line Blocks, liaison with a COSS and checking Work Package Plans, Task Briefing Sheets, and presence of Sentinel Cards.

The Principal Contractor is not informed of the timing of the inspections, but they are pre-arranged with the client. The inspector arrives on site at the start of the project to participate in the safety briefing delivered by the COSS.

The inspection is then carried out based on the visual assessments of the works and checking the relevant safety documents, specific to the tasks undertaken on the night.


The inspections provide additional peace of mind for the client knowing that the works are undertaken in line with the safety rules and regulations and support compliance with Network Rail requirements. They also support the Principal Contractors with additional guidance and advice on how to improve H&S standards on sites. The inspections have been a great opportunity for the Vextrix H&S consultants to support the delivery teams in greater compliance with health and safety law and most of all being part of creating a safer work environment.