A Diversity Impact Assessment (DIA) is a method of assessment in accordance with Network Rail requirements, conducted during the GRIP/ES design stages. The aim of this assessment is to identify potential negative impacts of a project on accessibility and inclusivity at the earliest design stage. It also identifies the individuals who might be affected by the initial design concept, as per the protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010. The assessment then informs action planning to address any identified negative impacts.
Our team has well-established links with charities and support groups for people with disabilities, who share their user experience, offer advice on design constraints and solutions, and provide awareness training. We encourage the involvement of these user groups in design reviews and approvals to ensure that we achieve the best solutions to the daily challenges of access encountered by a wide spectrum of people and offer a design that is considered and inclusive.
Promoting Inclusivity Through Accessible Services
Diversity Impact Assessments are required as part of the design approval process at Network Rail. The purpose of these assessments is to ensure that Network Rail’s operations promote inclusivity and do not disproportionately disadvantage any group based on characteristics such as:
- race
- gender reassignment
- disability
- age
- marriage and civil partnership
- sexual orientation
- pregnancy and maternity
- religion
- sex