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Principal Designer Services

Our experienced Principal Designer team supports the project team in compliance with the CDM Regulations from the concept design stage to completion. We will advise the client on compliance with the duties under the regulations and ensure that all the required steps are completed on the project.

Our Principal Designers work within the design team to eliminate Health and Safety risks in the proposed designs, to ensure that the project can be delivered safely during the construction phase and will be safe for future maintenance and repair activities.

The appointment of a Principal Designer must be undertaken as early in a project as possible to allow sufficient time for the collection of information for the compliance with the Health and Safety law and the protection of workers. Our Principal Designers will manage this process, review all information supplied, identify gaps and advise the project team accordingly.

Eliminating Foreseeable Health and Safety Risks

By planning, managing, monitoring, and coordinating Health and Safety during the pre-construction phase, our Principal Designers can eliminate or reduce foreseeable Health and Safety risks. This proactive approach ensures the well-being of workers, client personnel, the public, and maintenance contractors.

In our role, we work closely with the team, supporting effective communication and coordination to eliminate risks. We also liaise with the principal contractor during the construction phase to ensure ongoing safety and compliance.

Appointing our team to deliver Principal Designer Services means we will:

  • Collect, manage, identify, and advise on gaps in the pre-construction information
  • Undertake site risk assessments to identify existing safety issues that could impact the project
  • Review designs for compliance with CDM and other health and safety regulations.
  • Advise on client CDM 2015 duties
  • Organise and coordinate safety meetings
  • Submit F10 notifications
  • Review, comment on, and approve the Construction Phase Plan
  • Prepare and update the Health and Safety file, ensuring it includes all necessary information for future maintenance
  • Support the project team and provide safety advice
  • Maintain thorough documentation to ensure regulatory compliance
  • Undertake health and safety audits of construction sites
  • Review risk assessments and method statements

Client Legal Responsibility

If you fail to appoint a Principal Designer, you as the client are legally responsible for carrying out their duties under the CDM Regulations 2015.

Contact Us

Martyna Szypowicz BSc (Hons) MSc CertIOSH IMaPS

Director - Principal Designer and Compliance Services