Take a look at a recent example which illustrates how the virtual walk through can save you time on site.
Through our latest 3D imaging laser scanner, the Leica BLK 360, we can provide you with a 3D virtual reality tour of your project, creating you a tour with which to view and visit site remotely. It gives you:
The imaging laser scanner also creates a high density structured point cloud which allows our designers to import the scan directly into our Autodesk software to create an accurate existing model, layouts and drawings without even taking a single dimension. This method reduces the amount of time that needs to be spent at site and also limiting the amount of site visits, as all the information has been gathered in the point cloud scan.
The employment of point cloud services is quickly enhancing across the construction industry. Its implementation leads to getting as-built drawings of any residential building, historical infrastructure or building renovation. The lasers enable you to trace the flaws within a building. Thus, it helps in saving time and price spent on a project.
Take a look at a recent example which illustrates how the virtual walk through can save you time on site.
We invite you to take a look at some of the diverse projects we have been involved with.