How can a Principal Designer add value to my project?
Throughout a project, a principal designer focuses entirely on safety, access, and Health and Safety law compliance. Early design decisions impact on the client budget, therefore deciding on the design safety elements as early in a project as possible is very important. Installation of equipment is one of the most important design decisions in any design. Although we should always choose to place the plant and equipment at ground floor level, it is not always possible to do so, due to space limitations or building use.
If the plant cannot be installed on the ground level, designating roof space for plant areas has become very popular and often the preferred option, particularly as the roof is the perfect location for the installation of PV panels.
If the roof is the most practically reasonable option, installation of stairs to access the roof with a 1100mm high edge protection, non-slip walkways and a safe zone around the equipment would be the recommendation provided by our Principal Designers and such would be at the forefront of the design team meetings we attend. This would provide the level of safety required, so that the area can be accessed safely in the future for inspection, maintenance and repairs. This will mean that the risk of major injury or fatality from falling from heights, either from an unprotected roof or from inadequate ladder access will be prevented.