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What is BIM and how can it reduce costs on my projects?


BIM stands for Building Information Modelling. It uses the latest technology to create a virtual 3D design of a building or structure. It is a tool used for design and collaboration that streamlines processes, so that everyone can work together more effectively. This more effective way of working means it can reduce costs at the planning and design stage, construction stage and in the maintenance of projects.

  • BIM saves you time by giving you the most accurate detail on your project – so you can predict and prevent any problems that could cause additional cost.
  • BIM gives you highly accurate estimates on materials for example, so you don’t spend unnecessarily on over ordering.
  • All your project information is in one place, shared by all teams and includes a tool called clash detection, so you can see and act on issues that could impact your budget.
  • BIM has a tool that identifies safety risks, so you can respond before incidents happen, saving you time and money.
  • All the information on your project is shared in a common data environment, giving you more control of your scheduling and a clear view of progress, saving on the costs of delays.
  • It gives you details of the status and functionality of each part of your structure or site, so you can budget for improvements and reduce the risk of unexpected maintenance costs in the future.

When is the best time to introduce BIM for the greatest return on my investment?

The short answer is now. There are no limitations on the benefits of introducing BIM to your project, but the earlier it’s introduced, the earlier you can take control. To really understand the return on investment of BIM, you need to understand that the benefits and cost saving opportunities aren’t only found in the design and construction phase of a project. The process of BIM is about the whole lifecycle, this means taking information about a building at any stage and using it in the right way, so it benefits you now and in the future.

New Structures

Engaging our services at the planning and design stage of a new build project, means you can view your structure or project across its lifecycle pre-build. Creating a 3D model at the planning and design stage of your project gives you the opportunity to experiment with the design itself. This includes changes you can make to save money. You can make decisions about materials for example, to improve timescales, increase sustainability or to flag up anything that may cause future delays or challenges. The introduction of BIM at this stage, allows you to make key decisions at the earliest possible point, giving you visibility and control particularly in relation to costs, timescales, and the productivity of your project.


Future Benefits

After a project is complete the model is given to you, and details every element of the design. This means you have all the information you need for any future works and allows you to budget with this in mind. It’s a different way of looking at projects, across a life cycle rather than in one moment. BIM gathers all the information on your structure and manages it for you. It is about using the information the technology gives us, so you can use it to your advantage.

Existing Structures

When engaging Vextrix to undertake services on an existing building or structure, we perform a 3D laser scan to collect all the information from your structure, and then use this to create a highly accurate digital model.

A good way to think about this digital model is as a description of your structure at that given time. This description is created through software that uses specific tools that pinpoint every part of your structure or site and describes its features, showing you their condition, functionality, and efficiency.

Future Benefits

The benefits of this detail in an existing structure gives you a complete knowledge of your structure and the condition of everything in it. This allows you to budget for repairs and maintenance or plan for any improvements or future renovations.

This information also allows for a greater level of information sharing, whether that’s with key stakeholders, external teams or to provide customers with details of what your facility offers. The tools we use include asset tagging that show you in just one scan any potential issues that may incur cost, affect timescales or productivity, and outline potential investment needed in the future.

Why use Vextrix to provide BIM services on your project?

Engaging our services means working with a national team in the UK who understand the importance of using the technology we have available to remove risks for our clients. Our approach means we are conscious about the benefits our services can have for our clients, and our experience means we can implement them correctly to save our clients time and money.

The variety of our projects in a range of sectors including transport, residential and real estate and investment means we are well equipped to deliver our services, and we have a well-established process when it comes to delivering what our clients need.

To find out more about our BIM services and how David and his team at Vextrix can support you on your next project click here.